Thursday, November 20, 2008

And In This Corner...

Weighing in at just over 10 pounds. The southpaw from down south... KODA.

For the 1st match of the day she'll face: Thing 2

Would you look at that - just one cross and it's over, folks... Throw in the towel!
The bleeding over the left eye is just too severe to go on.

Think he'll learn his lesson? Do not wrestle with the puppy.

So we spent a few hours at the kid's care. He has a pretty good sized gash (although the steri-strips do a good job of hiding it); he'll be on antibiotics for 10 days - which, the doc says will for sure cause some wonderful diarrhea... And he's already ready for round 2

Fun times for a Thursday evening...


The Laundry Queen said...

Gotta love the antibiotic side effects! Is that long piece of steri-strip going to stick to his eyeball? Glad he's okay!

Siggy said...

Not to gross you out...But I just experienced the anitbiotic=diarrhea phenomenon. Good times for sure! Hope you all get through just super!

Mister said...

The steri-strip is durabonded on the top to try and have him not pick it off. It is folded over on itself on the bottom. We'll see how long it lasts.

MiKell said...

I'm sorry that your cute little puppy did that to your cute little boy. I'm sure he is still smiling. And for the diarrhea... well good luck with that.